In his work, calls Cervantes many towns and villages located in the province of La Mancha, where he is the main action of the novel, but the author at the beginning of the work notes that this is a place in La Mancha, where he lived and where he went in his travels in search of adventure ‘knight image’ sadness, he deliberately failed to call. So much for plot. Because so happy and now Spanish researchers. Cervantes himself was born in 1557 near Madrid in the family physician. He studied at the humanistic school, is constantly engaged in self-education, I read a lot.
In 1571 he went into the army and took part in the war with the Turks, Spaniards, where a naval battle was seriously wounded in the left arm. Then he got to the captivity in Algiers, from which it was purchased in 1580. Some time later, Cervantes left the army and actually then devoted himself to literary work. His legacy is a dramatic and reserve, among which the most famous piece is “Numancia.” In 1613, saw his world ‘Instructive tale’, and in 1614 – ‘SideShow’. But the most outstanding work of the writer think the novel ‘Don Quixote’, the first part of which was published in 1605, and the second – 1615. It was believed that ‘Don Quixote’ was conceived as a parody chivalry, who are interested in Cervantes’s contemporaries.
Also thought it was a satire on the whole feudal world and bright, lifelike picture of Spanish life, and Don Quixote is a representative of the small feudal nobility. He is unselfish, visionary, and this is indicative of his battle with windmills, a herd of sheep, dreams of a golden age of the past. Perhaps, today, at the beginning of the third millennium, a knight who does not stands firmly on the ground (but can he then be a true romantic!) can not be a hero, because these are the only successful people who win, because the world as we know from advertising, belongs to the first.