Fragment Call

In its roll of first lady, Eva as much developed an intense work in the modality policy like the social one. As far as the policy it worked intensely to obtain the feminine vote since she was the organizer and the founder of the feminine branch of the Peronism. This organization formed recruiting women of different social layers from Argentina. The leaders of the new grouping received the name of ” delegates censistas”.She created old hospitals, homes for and single woman mothers, two policlnicos, schools, an Infantile City. During the celebrations it distributed cider and sweet bread, aided to the needed ones and organized infantile and youthful sport matches. The main axis of its popularity was its great facility and charisma to connect with the masses workers, to those who it called his ” DESCAMISADOS”. Eva Pern passed away the 26 of July of 1952, very young one, by leukemia. Fragment of the book ” The reason of my vida” writing by Eva Pern in 1951: When I chose to be ” Evita” I know that I chose the way of my town.

Now, to four years of that one election, it is to me easy to demonstrate that indeed it was thus. Nobody but the town calls ” to me; Evita”. They only learned to call therefore ” to me; descamisados”. The political men of government, leaders, the ambassadors, the men of company, professionals, intellectuals, etc., who visit to me usually call ” to me; Seora” ; and some even say publicly ” to me; Excelentsima or Dignsima Seora” and still, sometimes, ” Mrs. Presidenta”. They do not see more in me than Eva Pern.

The without a shirt ones, however, do not know me but like ” Evita”. I appeared to them thus, on the other hand, the day that I left to the encounter humble my earth saying to them ” that he preferred to be ” Evita” to being the wife of the President if that ” Evita” it served to mitigate some pain or to wipe a tear. And, rare thing, if the government men, the leaders, the politicians, the ambassadors, those that call ” to me; Seora” they would call ” to me; Evita” would be to me perhaps so rare and out of place because ” pibe” , a worker or one humble person of the town would call ” to me; Seora”. But I believe that still more rare and ineffective it would have to seem to them to they themselves. Now if they asked to me what I prefer, my answer would not take in leaving me: I like plus my name of town. When it cheeps names ” me; Evita” I feel like mother of all the you cheep and all the weak and humble ones of my earth.