American Officials

According to a market survey conducted by research firm Datamonitor, almost three-quarters of public institutions in Europe and North America in the near future are going to implement a geographic information System (GIS) that will allow them to reach a new level of service to citizens. It is noteworthy that about half of the services that already use in their activities like operating systems, run them over the last year. On Analysts said geoservices can be successfully used in many different areas of the state apparatus: control over law and order, road traffic monitoring, planning, urban infrastructure, protection of national interests, and many others. Implementation of GIS not only helps improve the quality of services, but also provides a more informed management decisions of officials. According to the author of the report, leading analyst Datamonitor Company Madzhetta Ben (Ben Madgett), such a powerful interest in the public sector due to the widespread GIS services of a similar nature – commercial online or who have already gained national popularity. For example, Today a rare user is not familiar with Google Maps, really convenient for the ordinary man in the street system.

It was the success of existing geographic information services should be considered as an engine of progress in this area, which makes state apparatus to keep pace with the times. Interest of voters to such services can not be doubted – institutions that already use GIS, almost in one voice say the high demand for their innovations. Indeed, the ordinary citizen is much more convenient to obtain the necessary information from the public server, just connect to it from a laptop or even mobile phone (any time), rather than be dragged into municipality in a strictly defined hours of admission. Besides the obvious convenience of GIS offer great scope for imagination in terms of providing additional services, there are no geo-referencing virtually impossible. A simple example: the distribution of crime on a map according to their frequency and severity. You do not need to be an analyst Datamonitor, or seer, that's safe to assume that the municipal website with a map will be in demand in a substantial part of residents. Moreover, apart from the purely cognitive functions, these data can become a kind of reference point and call to action for community organizations that are important role in preventing crime.

And who knows, maybe the introduction of GIS will make life in many areas of safe and secure. On the other hand, having before my eyes so vivid a picture guide 'Secret police' will be able without additional testing and unnecessary red tape to draw conclusions about the success (or not) the work of district offices and, if necessary, reallocate resources efficiently. And another time. GIS – this is not just beautiful and comfortable. Properly designed system provides, by and large, a new level of perception, even when a large array of complex data can be presented in a simple and visual form. Thus, once spent on implementation, the institution receives a further bonus in the form of increased productivity and time gains. And the time – it's the same money.